Thursday, September 18, 2008

Republican Hypocrisy

This is a follow up to the Sarah Palin post from a couple of days ago. I posted a video of Karl Rove from "Face the Nation" back in August where he said that Gov. Tim Kaine of Virgina wasn't experienced enough to be Vice President because he had only been governor for three years and before that the mayor of the tiny little town of Richmond, VA. I pointed out how masterful the Republicans were at flip-flopping and talking out of both sides of their mouths at once.

Jon Stewart of "The Daily Show" on Comedy Central presents further evidence. And he presents it so much better than I could ever hope to.


Malach the Merciless said...


Palin is still hot, that all I got.

Bruce, a work in progress said...

Mal, you can keep repeating that but saying it don't make it so. Sorry dude, she's not my idea of hot so...she's all yours.

Malicious Intent said...

I think he is paralized by booby power Bruce. I have already threatened to go up there and kick some sense into him.

Personally I find her to be rather ugly because she acts rather ugly.
Beauty comes from the inside nothing more than a empty shell to me.

Bruce, a work in progress said...

I'm starting to think that Mal IS Sarah Palin. And yes, I agree with the beauty on the inside comment and you're right, from what I've seen I don't find her attractive at all.