Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Attention on deck ye scaberous dogs!

Shut yer bung hole and listen ‘ear.

Avast me ‘ardys. T'day, September 19th, be International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Here be t' OFFICIAL TLAPD website. Take some time t' explore. Ye’ll find more information on how t' talk and act like a pirate than ye could ever possibly use.

In case that’s not enough for ye bilge rats, here be a video tutorial by Graham Stark & Paul Saunders an' mates on that demonstrates some o' t' basics just t' get ye started.

Here be your's truly preparin' to go claim 'is treasure.

Ay've even 'eard tell of some maties 'oove been so inspired they've taken a big step off the gangplank and started Drink Like a Pirate Day! Now that's the spirit.

Get out thar today me beauties and show t' world that you have pirattitude and in t' process make t' place just a wee bit more fun. Arrr.

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