...hopefully with some antibiotics it will clear up.
NO. Seriously. When it rains it pours. I got my first blogging awards from my fellow bloggers over the weekend! I'm excited and honored.
First I got not one but TWO awards from Kitty over at Kitty's Bloggy Bits. I received the "Spread the Love" award which is all about spreading love around blogland (me? who knew?)
AND the "You Cheer Me Up Award". It originated with Ann at A Nice Place in the Sun and is for bloggers whose words lift our day(s). Thank you so much Kitty, you're a sweetheart. If you folks haven't visited Kitty please do. She has a great blog and makes a mean sock monkey.
Then, just as I was content to bask in the love for the rest of a cold, cold Sunday I found out that Hungry Mother bestowed upon me the "Excellence in Blogging" award. HM is a great guy and I look forward to his blog every day.
If I may steal from HM's post:
The award originated with Project Mommy who says: ... I love being a part of the blogging community and part of all the friendships that I've formed so I wanted to give a blog award for all of you out there that have Excellent Blogs. By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, you have to award it to 10 more people whose blogs you find Excellent Award worthy. You can give it to as many people as you want but please award at least 10. Thank you out there for having such great blogs and being such great friends! You deserve this! Feel free to award people who have already been awarded…
I'm glad that last sentence is there because HM already gave it to most of the other bloggers I know, but here goes (if you've already gotten it, well that just means that more than one of us thinks you're excellent):
Simply Curious Girl
Preposterous Ponderings
Tongue In Check
Mutterings of a Mad Bookseller
Kitty's Bloggy Bits
Malicious Intent
Malach the Merciless
Tequila Mockingbird
One Biscuit Hound
Mental Poo
Crashed Site
Thank you so much Bruce. I do appreciate it.
sweet, thanks. it makes me feel warmer inside than when i drink whiskey!!!
Mike you are very welcome. I look forward to your blog every day.
TM, Holy crap! THAT warm? You're welcome.
Awww...thank you!
How awesome is this?!
Gee,thanks buddy! I will be posting all of my awards tomorrow.I'm getting a pretty nice collection of them.
Enjoy your day!
You're welcome biscuit. You deserve it.
Hey Prepo. You rock baby.
Oh my gosh, my first award! I am blushing.. They love me, they really love me!
Ok, I would like to thank my family (Parents) for being such assholes as to drive me to this point of insanity and giving me and endless supply of blog worthy material.
I want to thank the academy, although I am just not sure which academy I am supposed to thank.
I also want to thank my family (husband and kids) for having to read my ramblings and constantly hearing me ask for their highly valued (although often ignored) opinion of my blogs.
And last, I want to thank all of the little people out there who read my blogs...like mooooog35. :)
(Blowing kisses)
Where is my tiara and roses at? Don't we get that with the awards?
MI, you're welcome. What a lovely speech (was that the orchestra we heard there at the end?). It's a pity the no one got to hear it. Because of the writer's strike the awards show was canceled. Sorry. We'll send out a press release though.
Aww thank you Bruce - you are a sweetheart. Oh and I don't just make a mean sock monkey, I make a happy one too. And I'm working on making a horny one, because I think that would sell well. :-D x
Kitty, I'm eating lunch and that almost made me shoot a sandwich through my nose. Too funny! Interesting that the happy one came before the horny one. I think there's a message there somewhere.
Hey, I know we talk funny over here. You did know I meant mean as in cool/good right? ;-)
Hey! Thanks for the award!
..just give a few days for the check to clear, if you don't mind.
Two awards? Congrats. Good list.
Hey Moooooog, I was going to stop by to tell you tonight when I got home. For some reason something on your blogsite makes my work computer choke. Congrats.
Thanks again HM!
Wow, pretty soon you'll need a trophy cabinet. :)
Already have one. Where do you think I keep the heads?
I'm always fucking last. I think you should move my name to the top of the list.
I'm not really really a bitter person, I just play one on the internet.
I'll put this up soon. Thanks, sweets!
awww arent u just the sweetest thing! Thanx Bruce, for everything, for being you. Your kind words, wise comments & advise means more than you would ever know.
cheers mate!
Aww, come on SC, you know what they say about saving the best and all that. You are very welcome. I'm glad you're back and almost over whatever it was that was making you sick.
Hi Crash! It's been so long. I'm very happy to help. Remember, never settle. You're worth holding out for the best, okay.
Cheers, backatcha.
Thank you thanks, you really like!
Wow! Congratulations!
Welcome you are Mal, deserve it you did.
Thanks Booklady! Welcome and thanks for stopping by.
Guess what is waiting for you on my page.
Oh, oh, oh! What, what? Tell me. Oh wait. I can just go look.
You still didn't move me up...
Honey, I didn't know that being on top was that important to you. I'm easy and when I can I always try to honor a lady's request. You're on top.
It's a lot more enjoyable for a woman on top. Didn't you know? I know, I know...I'm a spoiled rotten little brat. But I promise I'm grinning ear to ear.
And spoiled or not, I love knowing that I'm the one that put that grin there.
I'm always grinning when I climb on top.
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